
“And suddenly you know:
It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
- Meister Eckhart

Here’s a pro-tip for anyone who is racking their brains trying to figure out what to get their partner on their anniversary or birthday. Instead of buying them material things, take them on a picnic. It’s sweet, simple and romantic. And it’s outdoors. Because let’s be honest, nowadays, the last thing you want to be in during this pandemic is inside a restaurant. So with that in mind, Chloie contacted me a couple of weeks prior to them celebrating their anniversary as a couple. Alot of couples seem to have this notion that you can only get couple portraits done when there’s a ring on her finger. Which does not have to be the case. Chloie and Palladen are just simply celebrating their love. Which by itself, is a reason to remember and celebrate. In a generation of instant gratification and short attention spans, two years is nothing to scoff at.

Front porch story time.

Chloie, her sister Marielle and I all used to work together. Both were my supervisors and both are extremely awesome nurses. Anyways, 2 years ago, Palladen & Chloie met for the first time and ever since then, they’ve been inseparable. Her sister and I (literally) saw how everything materialized for these two. Watching through the cctv, we saw the first time they met each other by the door. Did they lock eyes the first time they met? Was it love at first sight? Who knows? Looking back, I do remember clearly seeing sparkles the first time they met. That or maybe it was just stuck pixels in the video feed. 🤣 Hard to tell, since the cctv in our facility was in black and white and seemed like it was being recorded using a potato. So any signs of spark or electricity between these two would’ve been impossible to see. In any case, Marielle and I both jokingly made a collective "AWWW" and then proceeded to laugh at how sweet and innocent their first meeting was.

And here we are, two years later. Chloie, although a bit anxious about the photoshoot, she was confident enough to initiate a picnic for Palladen and her. A first for both of them. She even took it upon herself to research locations and what time the sun will be setting. Chloie was born a perfectionist. But the good kind. She just likes to pro actively work on her goals and likes to give it her best. That's with her nursing career and with her personal life. But being in a relationship certainly changes people. The Chloie I remember was someone who was so nervous going to her first hockey game with Palladen that she couldn't stop talking about it. Because I'm sure in the back of her head, she just wants everything to turn out perfect. But here she is now, listening to country music and can engage with conversation about basketball. Sports? I don't ever recall talking to her about sports. Ever. Palladen certainly had a hand on that aspect. The Chloie that I used to know certainly has changed, and for the better. Enjoy the photos!
